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Now Reading: Naughty List: 50 Dirty Star Wars Character Names


Naughty List: 50 Dirty Star Wars Character Names

May 6, 202416 min read

Welcome to the edge of our galaxy, where fun meets epic Star Wars tales. Here, valiant Jedi and Sith stories mix with some mischievously named characters. Amid the stars, some dirty Star Wars character names made us laugh and gasp. They are part of why we love this space journey.

These explicit Star Wars characters shine due to a mix of mystery and adult humor. They show a fun universe side we all cherish. Let’s dive into the galaxy’s racier side in this beloved series!

dirty Star Wars character names

Key Takeaways

  • The Star Wars universe is home to character names that range from exotic to outright naughty.
  • Some character names are playfully suggestive, adding humor to the franchise’s deep lore.
  • Interest in the scandalous side of Star Wars enriches fan culture with layers of mature content.
  • These risqué and rebellious names flourish not just in the films but throughout the expanded universe.
  • The list of naughty names appeals to adult fans, showcasing the multi-generational allure of Star Wars.
  • Character names occasionally cross lines of propriety, reflecting the complex writing behind the saga.

Here are 50 Dirty Star Wars Character Names:

  1. Lube Skywanker
  2. Hands Solo
  3. Chew-booty
  4. Darth Vibrator
  5. Obi-Wank Kenobi
  6. Luke Thighwalker
  7. Mace Windu-me
  8. Jabba the Slut
  9. Boba Fetish
  10. C-3PO (Coitus-3 Per Orifice)
  11. R2-Double-D2
  12. Qui-Gon Gym
  13. Wedge Antillatio
  14. Jango Felt
  15. Princess Lay-Her
  16. Admiral Ackbar-Mitzva
  17. Grand Moff Spank-Him
  18. Lando Calrissian-Job
  19. Wicket W. Wanker
  20. Biggs Dark-Weiner
  21. General Peevis
  22. Plo Koonlingus
  23. Kit Fist-You
  24. Yarael Poof-ter
  25. Elan Sleaze-baggano
  26. Poe Damn-Her-On
  27. BB-8-Inches
  28. Kylo Rent-Boy
  29. Count Doo-Me
  30. Saw Geri-Attic
  31. Cornelius Eva-Whore
  32. Tion Medon
  33. Jocasta Nu-dity
  34. Bail Your-Mama
  35. Jizz-Jar Binks
  36. Mon Motorboat-a
  37. Shmi Sky-Willy
  38. Shaak-Ti & Shag-Me
  39. Tusken Raper
  40. Joruus C’boath-House
  41. Brea Tonnika-Job
  42. Shira Brie-Spot
  43. Tractor Beam-Job
  44. Figrin D’an & the Modal G-Nodes
  45. Coleman Threesome
  46. Porkins (No change needed)
  47. Greedo Shot First
  48. Watto Voyeur
  49. Rancor? I Hardly Knew Her!
  50. That’s No Moon…

Exploring the Galaxy of Dirty Star Wars Character Names

Star Wars is full of unique characters and worlds. Some names sound funny or a bit naughty. What makes a name seem risqué?

What Qualifies as a Dirty Star Wars Name?

A name might sound inappropriate if it uses word play or cultural hints. These names might sneak past some fans.

Names that sound like adult words are often on the naughty list. Or they might sound like something unexpected. These names show off the fun and creativity in Star Wars.

Why Fans are Intrigued by Saucier Side of Star Wars

Fans like finding hidden jokes in names. They love the mix of humor and drama in Star Wars.

Seeing these names starts talks about culture and humor. Fans enjoy finding these playful hidden messages.

This list shows how big and fun the Star Wars world is. It’s got adventure and cheeky names too.

Character NameWhy It’s Considered Risqué
Elan SleazebagganoSuggestively hints at sleazy behavior, resonating with real-world salaciousness.
Luminara UnduliPhonetically mimics ‘unduly’ sparking thoughts of inappropriateness.
Sly MooreExudes a cunning allure, with ‘sly’ carrying connotations of devious charm.
Bib FortunaNods to fortune and perhaps a more adult type of luck.

Star Wars entertains on many levels. It invites everyone to enjoy, even with risqué amusement.

Dirty Star Wars Character Names and Their Origins

The mystery of lewd Star Wars characters starts with their names. Some wonder about the origins of these depraved star wars character names. Were they made by chance or with a playful purpose?

Depraved Star Wars Character Names

Let’s look at Salacious B. Crumb, Jabba the Hutt’s jester. His name implies naughty behavior, matching his actions. “Salacious” means lustful, and “Crumb” suggests something tiny, fitting his role perfectly.

A delve into the Huttese language and the Galactic Basic offers clues as to how some risqué character names might derive from in-world dialects, adding an authentic twist to our understanding of these scoundrel names.

Next is the Twi’lek dancer Oola, doomed by a bad guy. Her name sounds exotic, linking her to charm and desire in Star Wars. Oola’s sad story and name make her a famous lewd Star Wars character.

  1. Exploring the etymology of character names
  2. Investigating in-world linguistic influences
  3. Assessing the creative intent behind suggestive naming

To show how infamy and names intersect in Star Wars, we could compare names and deeds. This might show the effort, or perhaps its absence, in making memorable yet depraved star wars character names.

CharacterName OriginNotoriety
Salacious B. CrumbWordplay on ‘salacious’High – notorious jester
OolaExotic-sounding, allureModerate – known mainly for her fatal dance
Elan SleazebagganoPlay on ‘sleazy’Low – minor role as a sleazy dealer

Knowing how lewd Star Wars characters get their names makes fans enjoy more. It shows these characters are not just for laughs. They have depth and stories, with names that might make us giggle or shake our heads.

The Most Infamous and Scandalous Star Wars Characters

In the Star Wars world, many characters stand out. Some are known for their wild actions and big scandals. They have made a big mark in the stories, being famous or infamous.

Characters Known for Their Salacious Deeds

Some characters are famous for more than just fighting. They are known for their daring deeds. Take Lando Calrissian, for example. He’s a charming gambler who has tricked many.

Star Wars Characters with a Bad Reputation

But not all notorious characters are charming. Some are as dark as their evil missions. Jabba the Hutt is one such character. His crimes and desires have made him famously bad.

Exploring Star Wars shows us a rich mix of stories. It features both bad and scandalous characters. They are as important as the heroes they fight or the journeys they take.

Offensive Star Wars Characters Across the Films and Expanded Universe

The Star Wars saga has thrilled fans with great stories and lots of characters. Some characters, though, have names that cause upset. They come from both the movies and the expanded Star Wars universe. Their names don’t always fit the family-friendly vibe.

The Outrageous Aliens and Humans Alike

In this big world, some names have caused a stir. Alien and human characters alike get names that surprise many. Some are seen as explicit Star Wars characters because their names go against what some think is right.

  • A rough-edged smuggler, who’s moniker hints at less-than-honorable intentions.
  • A deceitful politician, whose name mirrors their slippery nature, provoking derision among fans.
  • An unscrupulous entrepreneur with a title that doubles as a crude colloquialism, stirring up discussions around suitability.

When Character Names Cross the Line

Sometimes, the names in the expanded Star Wars universe go too far. They can offend people and make waves. Because of this, some characters get new names in later versions or adaptations.

Original NameIssue RaisedChange (If Any)
Character XPerceived cultural insensitivityAltered in later editions
Character YDouble entendre deemed inappropriateName kept, context adjusted
Character ZInadvertently mirrored a derogatory termCompletely renamed in ancillary media

Fans still talk about whether to keep names the same or change them. Some want to stick to the originals. Others think changes can make the universe friendlier for everyone.

Dirty Star Wars Character Names That Will Make You Blush

In the vast Star Wars universe, some names make us giggle or blush. Adults who love Star Wars find these names more than funny. They see them as a fun part of the galaxy. Get ready to hear Star Wars names that are a bit naughty.

Here’s a list of Star Wars characters with cheeky names. These names make people look twice. They show the writers’ fun side. And they remind us the galaxy isn’t always kid-friendly.

CharacterName ConnotationFirst Appearance
Elan SleazebagganoA not-so-subtle hint at sleazy dealingsAttack of the Clones
Dix RooloPlay on words with a naughty flareEssential Guide to Characters
Sly MooreSuggestive of secretive, perhaps sneaky behaviorAttack of the Clones
Thrackan Sal-SoloImplies a certain roughness or crudenessThe Corellian Trilogy
WooofCould be taken as a playful jab at adult slangReturn of the Jedi

These names add a fun layer for fans. They’re like hidden jokes in the Star Wars story. When you see these playful names, think about the creators smiling at us.

Star Wars: a universe where the names are as diverse as the galaxy itself, hiding in plain sight layers of humor for those who dare to look a little closer.

Inappropriate Star Wars Character Names Hidden in Plain Sight

The Star Wars universe is filled with special details. Fans who pay close attention find inappropriate Star Wars character names. These names often have double entendres, playing on words in a funny way.

Double Entendres in the Star Wars Universe

Star Wars names fit the exotic universe well. But some have a funny underlying meaning. These names use language to sound normal but can seem not suitable in some cases. The creators put in these double entendres for fans to find and enjoy.

Risque Star Wars Names and Easter Eggs Discovered by Fans

Some fans love to find and share these funny names. Finding these Star Wars easter eggs adds fun to being a fan. These easter eggs come up in fan forums and viewing parties, showing how deep the Star Wars world is.

The creators hide these gems for fans to discover. These surprises create a community that enjoys finding details in the Star Wars universe.

Inappropriate Star Wars Character Names

Sometimes, fans laugh at a name that sounds funny or unexpected. These small jokes make Star Wars special for everyone. They show that even in a galaxy far away, humor is important. Luckily, Star Wars has plenty of humor.


Our journey through the Star Wars galaxy ends with a smile. We found many clever and naughty names. These names show a fun side of a universe full of stories. It’s this fun that adds to Star Wars’ charm. It shows that even in serious stories, humor has a place.

Dirty Star Wars names appeal to fans of all ages. They capture our imagination and make us grin. Whether meant for adults or by accident, these names make the saga more human. They connect us as fans, bringing joy beyond just watching.

In the end, Star Wars is about more than epic tales. It also reflects our love for fun and tricks. Next time, we might smile at a clever name. It mixes the serious with the playful in a galaxy far, far away.


What makes a Star Wars character name “dirty” or “naughty”?

A “dirty” or “naughty” Star Wars name may have secret adult jokes. Some names sound like adult words in many cultures. This might make fans laugh or blush.

Are there really characters with inappropriate names in Star Wars?

Yes, there are. Some Star Wars characters have names with secret meanings. These can seem inappropriate because of fun or unexpected word play.

Why do fans find the saucier side of Star Wars entertaining?

Fans like the humor in suggestive names. It’s a fun break from the usual epic tales of Star Wars. It makes the galaxy seem more relatable and enjoyable.

Were the risqué character names in Star Wars intentional?

Sometimes, yes. Some names were made with a nod to grown-up fans. But others were by chance. The creators might not know what the names suggest.

Can you give examples of Star Wars characters known for scandalous actions?

For sure. Think about Lando Calrissian, the gambler and charmer. And Jabba the Hutt, who ran a crime ring. They are known for being quite the troublemakers.

Have there been controversies around Star Wars character names?

Indeed. Some names in Star Wars have caused a stir. They crossed the line of what’s okay for everyone.

Are there Star Wars character names that are meant for a more mature audience?

Yes, there are. Among the many names, some are clearly for adults. These names have hints or jokes that kids might not catch but adults find funny.

How have fans uncovered double entendres in Star Wars character names?

Fans love talking about and looking at names closely. They sometimes find hidden jokes or meanings. These could be on purpose or just by chance.